Hurricane Season in North Florida

Preparing for Hurricane Season in Northeast Florida

Living on the First Coast has its perks; beautiful weather year round, stunning coastline, and endless things to do. With the beauty of coastal living comes the reality of facing the wrath of hurricanes. Living in paradise also means we need to be prepared and ready ahead of hurricane season. Every year, from June 1st to November 30th, residents brace themselves for potential storms that can bring heavy rainfall, destructive winds, and storm surges. Now is the time to prepare your business and home for severe weather. The following resources will help you prepare your family and home in case of severe weather.

JaxReady App and Website for Hurricane Preparation

JaxReady App & Website

The JaxReady app, brought to you by the Emergency Preparedness Division and Information Technologies Division of the City of Jacksonville, Florida, monitors weather threats and plans for evacuation in the event of a natural disaster. The JaxReady website contains valuable information for planning for all emergencies. The JaxReady Preparedness Guide is a valuable download for every Jacksonville resident. This app will alert you to school closures, and zone evacuations.

Hurricane Season in Jacksonville, FL

Create a Family Disaster Plan

Have a family meeting and discuss potential disaster situations. Go over Hurricane Preparedness checklists and make sure everyone in the family knows what your family plan is and where to meet. Include children in the family’s emergency plan discussions. Make sure they know who to contact and where to meet in case they get separated from the family during the storm. It’s crucial to have open, age-appropriate conversations with children about hurricanes. Explain what a hurricane is, why it’s important to prepare, and reassure them that adults are taking steps to keep them safe.

Hurricane Season in North Florida

Build a Supply List

Involve children in assembling a family emergency kit. Let them choose a few comfort items like their favorite stuffed animal, books, or toys to include in the kit. This helps children feel a sense of ownership and comfort during stressful times. This list from the Red Cross is a great tool to build your emergency  kit. Creating a comprehensive hurricane kit is essential for families to weather the storm safely and comfortably. Here are some essentials to include:
Water:  Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation.
Non-Perishable Food: Stock up on a three-day supply of non-perishable food items such as canned goods, dry fruits, nuts, and granola bars. Don’t forget a manual can opener.
Medications: Pack a seven-day supply of prescription medications and any over-the-counter medications your family may need. Include a first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and other basic medical supplies.
Flashlights and Batteries: Have multiple flashlights with extra batteries on hand for illumination during power outages.
Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio: Stay informed about the storm’s progress and emergency updates with a battery-powered or hand-crank radio.
Personal Hygiene Items: Include items such as toilet paper, moist towelettes, hand sanitizer, soap, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products.
Blankets and Warm Clothing: Pack blankets, sleeping bags, and warm clothing in case of cold weather or if sheltering in place without power.
Important Documents: Keep copies of important documents such as identification, insurance policies, medical records, and bank account information in a waterproof container.
Cash: Have cash on hand in case of power outages or disruptions to banking services.
Emergency Contact Information: Compile a list of emergency contacts, including family members, neighbors, and local emergency services.
Tools and Supplies: Include multipurpose tools, duct tape, plastic sheeting, and a wrench or pliers to turn off utilities if necessary.
Pet Supplies: Don’t forget about your furry friends. Pack food, water, medications, and other essentials for your pets.
Baby Supplies: If you have infants or young children, include diapers, formula, baby food, bottles, and other necessary supplies.
Entertainment and Comfort Items: Include books, games, toys, and comfort items to keep children occupied and provide emotional support during the storm.
Evacuation Routes: Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and have maps on hand in case you need to evacuate.

Protect Your Home

Before hurricane season begins is the time to take inventory of storm shutters or plywood and other supplies needed to protect your home.

Damaged Jacksonville Pier after Hurricane

Community Resources

Jacksonville Beach Hurricane Prep
Hurricane Prep: Important Phone Numbers 
Florida Essential Preparedness List

With every hurricane season regardless of forecast, knowing the essentials of how to prepare could truly be a life saver. Take the time to plan ahead and prepare. Knowing that you have a well-stocked emergency kit, a solid evacuation plan, and a secure home provides peace of mind amid the uncertainty of a hurricane. This sense of preparedness can help reduce anxiety and stress for both adults and children. 

Jillian is a New Englander at heart. Born in Jacksonville Beach, she grew up in Massachusetts but was beckoned back to Florida for a Disney World Internship. She returned to the beach in 2005 after graduating from Florida State. Ten years ago she opened her handmade & vintage collective shop, Sew Vicious, in Neptune Beach. Jillian raises chickens, is a passionate gardener, a DIYer, a thrift store junkie, a deal loving mama, and has several inspirational travel journals available on Amazon. She leads her daughters’ Girl Scout Troop, teaches sewing at a local Montessori School, and is a Parents Who Lead Alumni. She loves surprising her husband and daughters with mini-vacations around the Sunshine State.

Jacksonville Hurricane Season Prep

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