There are lots of amazing animal shelters and rescues in Jacksonville. Many of these organizations focus on adopting cats and dogs into loving homes. Some of them focus on education and provide veterinary care for stray, abused, or fostered animals. If you’re looking for a new furry friend for walks on the beach and lots of snuggles there are lots of great spots throughout North Florida where you can adopt a pet.

Animal Shelters & Rescues in Jacksonville
Ana’s Angels
Ana’s Angels is a non-profit organization in Jacksonville. They work to give cats and dogs a second chance at happy and healthy lives.
Animal Care & Protective Services
Jacksonville’s Animal Care and Protective Services provides animal control to the citizens in Jacksonville by fair enforcement and community education.
Caffeinated Cat Cafe
The Caffeinated Cat is Jacksonville’s first and only feline coffee and wine shop. Here you can have a cup of coffee or glass of wine with one of their cats. You can even adopt one.
Catty Shack Ranch
Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary non-profit organization with a mission to provide a safe, loving, forever home for endangered big cats. They work to educate the public about their plight in the wild and captivity. Their primary focus is in the rescue of exotic animals from serious situations.
Endangered Primate Foundation
Located in Jacksonville, this is the only sanctuary in the US dedicated solely to providing behavioral rehabilitation and lifelong care for lemurs and other prosimians rescued or surrendered from the pet trade, roadside zoos, and other inappropriate environments.
Fawn’s Family Small Dog Rescue
Fawn’s Small Dog Rescue is a non-profit based in Jacksonville that is dedicated to saving the lives of dogs in over crowded kill shelters. They rescue and improve the quality of life for stray, abused and forgotten dogs.
First Coast No More Homeless Pets
First Coast No More Homeless Pets’ mission is to make veterinary care affordable and accessible to all as they save lives by keeping dogs and cats in homes and out of shelters. They provide low-cost spay/neuter services with emphasis on feral/community cats.

Adopt a New Best Friend
Florida Urgent Rescue
Florida Urgent Rescue (FUR) works to save animals from kill shelters and other urgent situations. They support rural shelters with limited resources, and try to help the animals who need the most help.
Froggy’s Cat Rescue
Froggy’s Cat Rescue doesn’t have a shelter facility, all their rescued cats and kittens are living in foster homes with families. This allows them to know each individual personality and match them to the right forever family.
Fur Sisters
Fur Sisters saves dogs from high kill shelters and other urgent situations. They place them in loving homes and provide the vet care they need to live healthy lives.
G.R.E.A.T. Rescue
G.R.E.A.T. Rescue of NE Florida is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and matching Golden Retrievers and Golden mixes with loving, responsible families.
Jacksonville Humane Society
The Jacksonville Humane Society provides care, comfort and compassion to animals in need while engaging the hearts, hands and minds of our community to bring about an end to the killing of abandoned and orphaned shelter animals.
Jacksonville Sheltie Rescue
Jacksonville Sheltie Rescue is a rescue for Shetland Sheepdogs. They specialize in lost and found, adoption and placement.
Kamp Kritter
Kamp Kritter Rescue Foundation is a non-profit sanctuary that focuses on the most medical needy and unadoptable dogs from local shelters or other rescues. They give them specialized vet care and a warm safe place to recover and any socialization or training until they become adoptable or live out their remaining time with dignity in a loving environment.
Mayport Cats
The intended goal of Mayport Cats is to promote spay and neuter programs for a healthier, more stable community cat population.

Other Animal Shelters & Rescues in North Florida
Ayla’s Acres
Ayla’s Acres is a St. Augustine based non-profit that supports adoption, spay and neuter, and responsible care of animals. Along with education, outreach, and adoption and fostering programs, Ayla’s Acres maintains a 45 acre sanctuary where unadoptable animals may live out their lives with peace, love, and dignity.
K-9 Services German Shepherd Rescue
K-9 Services German Shepherd Rescue is a non-profit dedicated to saving the lives of displaced German Shepherd dogs. They are located in Green Cove Springs.
Safe Animal Shelters
Safe Animal Shelter is Clay County’s oldest no-kill shelter, created for the purpose of preserving and providing quality of life for lost, abandoned, abused and unwanted pets.
S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue
S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue was founded in September 2008 with the goal of saving adoptable dogs and cats from euthanasia in Northeast Florida. They are based in St. Augustine.
St. Augustine Humane Society
The St. Augustine Humane Society promotes healthy, responsible, lifelong pet ownership by serving the medical and rehabilitative needs of companion animals in our community.
Shannon Beckham is a former Special Education teacher, turned stay at home mom that doesn’t spend a lot of time staying at home. Mom to Cole & Kiley, she loves cheering on the Gators, early morning visits to the beach and traveling with her family. She blogs about her adventures at The Beckham Project and host a monthly podcast, Jacksonville Momcast.

Is there any animal shelter in Duval county that will accept pillows
Not sure, you’d have to call around and find out.