If you’ve ever wanted to camp on an island, away from the hustle and bustle of Jacksonville, then Cumberland Island might just be the adventure you’ve been looking for. The park offers primitive sites that are perfect for the family that wants to get away. Although it takes a little bit of planning, this is by far one of the best camping experiences in North Florida.

If you’re interested in reading about a day trip to Cumberland Island, be sure to check out our other post. But if you’re looking to spend a little extra time on the island, camping is the way to go. There are several campgrounds on Cumberland, Sea Camp is the closest and the one we recommend if you’re camping with kids.

Plan Ahead to Camp on Cumberland Island
Sea Camp on Cumberland Island is located approximately half a mile from the ferry landing. It is the only campground where you can use wagons to transport your gear. If you’re traveling with kids, we recommend you pack all your items in rubber tubs or use large backpacks. There are no concessions on Cumberland Island so you’ll need to be sure to pack in all of your food and water for your entire stay!

There’s no water or electricity at any of the campsites on the island, but at Sea Camp there is a water bottle refill station, a small charging area for phones, a bathroom, dish sink, and cold water showers. Although the amenities are primitive, they are sufficient for what you need while on Cumberland. There are no trash dumpsters on the island so you’ll need to pack out everything you pack in.

Enjoy Solitude on Cumberland Island
One of the best things about camping on Cumberland Island is feeling as if you have the entire island to yourself. When the last ferry leaves for the day, it’s just you and the handful of other campers. Campsites on Cumberland fill up very fast. They are available 6 months in advance and during peek travel times will be gone the day they are released. In addition to booking your campsite, you’ll need to be sure to book your ferry ticket for the ride over and back.

One of our favorite parts about Cumberland was that wildlife is everywhere. While camping you may encounter wild horses, raccoons, armadillos, wild boar, and more! Make sure you keep all food secured and all trash packed away.

Earn a Junior Ranger Badge on Cumberland
If you’re camping with kids don’t forget to pick up a Junior Ranger booklet. It has several activities that are easy to complete during your stay and kids will earn a free badge if you turn in the booklet before you leave.

Cumberland Island National Seashore is a great place for families to unplug and reconnect with each other. Plan a trip for a few nights and enjoy everything the island has to offer visitors.

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