Lindsey Wheaton

Lindsey has lived in Jacksonville now for over 12 years and is originally from the southeast Georgia area. She is a business and data manager for UF Health Emergency and Trauma services downtown by day, a travel agent, social media influencer, and BLS instructor by night. She is also the mom of three kids, Lily, Logan, and Ruby. She is married to a very talented musician, Cody who plays locally all around in the Bold City Classics and Blue Muse and with the symphony as well. Lindsey started posting on social media about her trips to Disney and beyond on social media in the last few years as a means to document the joy and help others with planning their trips, balancing traveling and motherhood and finding the true magic in it all. As her presence grew she was invited to become a travel agent specializing in Disney and other theme parks because of her expansive knowledge. You can follow Lindsey on Instagram and tiktok as well as request a free travel quote for your trip @magicmomlife or send her an email at [email protected].

Lindsey Wheaton
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